Ulanov barn from village Zarechie

Ulanov barn from the village Zarechye, Nyuksenitsa district.
Ulanov barn from the village Zarechye belongs to the private grain barns. This barn is one-storied, four-wall and square in the plan.
It has one zalobnik (above the main facade) and overhangs directed to the side facades. There is a platform (stage) at full length of barn’s wall. It was made of three blocks laid on the oblong prominent (salient) parts of logs’ remainders of  the side walls in front of the door. In the plan the sizes of this log construction by logs’ outside are 3, 7х3, 68 m. Projection of  the zalobnik is 0,93 m in the axes of logs.  The height to a ridge roof of this log construction is 3,75 m. There is a roof with two sloping surfaces directed to the side facades.
Ulanov barn was found during the expedition in 1989. It was transferred to the museum in 2005.
The author of this project is architect S. V. Gelfer.